The content on this site includes links to tools and information that are not the property of Energy Transfer, and Energy Transfer is not responsible for their accuracy, completeness or continued availability. This site provides only an overview of benefits effective January 1, 2025. The respective plan documents and policies govern your rights. You should rely on this information only as a general summary of some of the features of the plans and policies. In the event of any difference between the information contained herein and the plan documents and policies, the plan documents and polices will supersede and control over this site. Energy Transfer expressly reserves the right at any time and for any reason to amend, modify or terminate one or more of the plans or policies described on this site.
Retail Benefits Helpline
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Content on this site is intended for U.S. Benefits Eligible Employees.
© 2024-2025 ENERGY TRANSFER PARTNERS, L.P. Disclaimer
If you have questions about your benefit elections, please contact the Retail Benefits Helpline at 1-855-327-5910, or email
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