The coverage, provided through Sun Life, provides lump-sum cash benefits to help you cover the out-of-pocket expenses associated with critical illness, like cancer or heart disease.
Yes. You can enroll yourself, your legal spouse and children up to age 26.
No. Your covered dependents receive 50% of your basic-benefit amount.
No. The benefit is also portable, so you can take it with you if you leave the Company in the future.
No. You are not required to provide EOI to enroll in Critical Illness coverage.
The Cancer coverage, provided through Sun Life, pays for necessary services and treatment for a covered cancer or specified disease.
Yes. You may enroll yourself, your legal spouse and children up to age 26.
Yes. Your covered dependents receive 100% of your basic-benefit amount.
No. Premiums are waived if you are totally disabled and unable to work for 90 days due to a cancer diagnosis.
No. The benefit is portable, so you can take it with you if you leave the Partnership in the future.
No. You are not required to provide EOI to enroll in Cancer coverage.
These frequently asked questions (FAQs) provide only an overview of benefit changes and clarifications effective January 1, 2025. The respective plan documents and policies govern your rights. You should rely on this information only as a general summary of some of the features of the plans and policies. In the event of any difference between the information contained herein and the plan documents and policies, the plan documents and polices will supersede and control over these FAQs. The Partnership expressly reserves the right at any time and for any reason to amend, modify or terminate one or more of the plans or policies described in these FAQs.
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